Sunday, June 13, 2010


Monday, June 14, 2010
Job 33: 14-16
For GOD speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction.

Why do we not hear the Word of the LORD when He speaks? I believe that we all have an attention problem; the Spiritual attention deficit disorder. We just do not listen for GOD to speak. Is their a cure for this disorder? Yes there is a cure, it is called Listen with expectation for the voice of the LORD. Part of the cure is to read and study the Holy Scripture, the Word of the LORD, and listen to Scripture speak to the heart. The next part of the cure is to know the voice of the LORD, so that when He speaks, we know His voice. Prayer unites the heart to the heart of GOD, so in prayer we hear GOD'S voice in the deep places of the heart. The key word is LISTEN.

What is different about the sleeping person which makes him more open to hearing the voice of the LORD? When a person is asleep, their mind is at rest and open; the distractions of the day have gone away and the person is deep and at rest. Into this peaceful place, where all is quiet and open, the LORD'S voice can be heard, instruction received, and His presence felt.

Can we have this deep, personal relationship with GOD while we are awake? Yes we can. Set aside a time during the day when you can sit and be open to GOD. Read a portion of Scripture and rest in the Word of the LORD. Invite JESUS to come and sit with you and you with Him. LISTEN to Him as He opens His Holy Word to you and FEEL HIS GREAT LOVE FOR YOU.

Mary did it, even when Martha was shouting for help in the kitchen; Mary sat at the feet of JESUS. You can too, He wants you to keep Him company and He wants to share His Heart with you.

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