Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Wednesday May 9, 2010
In like manner also there filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominions, and speak evil of dignities. YET, Michael, the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, THE LORD REBUKE THEE.

Dreams come from three sources: Carnal, Demonic and GOD given. Yesterday, we spoke about those dreams that come from our own wishful thinking. These dreams are Carnal and are like a house built on the sand, when the storms and floods of life come crashing into such a house, the house falls because it is built on sand.(Matthew 7:24-27; Luke 6:47-49).
Today, we will look at Demonic dreams, these are dreams that come from an evil source. The key verses for today give us a description of these dreams: they are filthy. They are not dreams of great beauty, healing, love, joy, peace, goodness, gentleness, faith, mercy, grace and self control. Instead, they are filled with arrogance, puffed up pride, turmoil, wars, slander, murder, greed and envy, and anything else the enemy wants to use to prod the dreamer to follow the path of evil.
The key verses give us a description of the persons who are most open to receiving these dreams: They defile the flesh, they despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. In other words, they use of drugs, illicit sex, mind-altering drugs, alcohol; those who hate authority and speak against it and do not recognize that there is a spiritual realm; those who laugh at kindness, hospitality, self-giving and call it weakness. These poor souls are vulnerable to the dreams of the devil.
However, all of us, in an unguarded time, can receive dreams from the enemy of our soul. How do we discern?
The first discernment tool is peace. Did the dream or vision bring peace or turmoil? The next discernment tool is Holy Scripture. Does the dream line up with GOD'S Word? The next is confirmation. Do others who are followers of JESUS CHRIST confirm the dream/vision or deny the dream/vision.
What do you do when you have a dream from the evil source? The last words of the key verse for today gives us the answer: Say to the dream-source The LORD rebuke you.
One protection for us all, since we all are subject to dreams and visions, put on the armor of GOD as described in Ephesians 6: 12-17, especially, the helmet of salvation. Verse 12 reminds us that the warfare is in the spirit and GOD is the One who has won the war. So, in the armor of GOD, surrounded by His Holy Light, we can rest in peace, knowing that our Father is mighty to save us and keep us safe from all harm.

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