Monday, May 3, 2010


Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Hebrews 9:11,12
But Christ being come an High Priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect Tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building, Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own Blood He entered in once into the Holy Place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.
Have you ever asked the question: When did Jesus enter into the Holy Place in Heaven and carry His Blood for the atonement of us all? When did He go to the Heavenly Tabernacle, not made by hands, and enter the Holy of Holies and seal, once and for all, our redemption?
I believe that we have an answer in the account of Jesus with May Magdalene in the garden, after His resurrection. He said to her, "Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father and your Father." It is part of the duty of the High Priest to consecrate himself before he enters into the Holy of Holies. He has to be ritually clean, pure and undefiled. No spot or blemish can be upon the High Priest and no one can touch him before he enters into the presence of the LORD. I believe that Jesus, the High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek, after His resurrection, was ritually clean, pure and Holy, it was at this point that He carried his Blood to the High Altar of GOD and made the perfect atonement for us.
It was after this that Jesus could be easily touched and even asked Thomas to put his hands into the nail holes and into His side. Jesus would eat with His disciples and walk and talk with them. Ritually, He was finished with His work and now He would be able to appear and be touched.
Think about that and see what you believe.
When this occurred is not the most important thing for us to remember. The most important thing is that it did occur. We have been bought with the price of the Blood of Jesus. He has made the atonement for us, once and for all times. We are redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb of GOD and we are free from the law of sin and death.

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