Wednesday, January 11, 2012


PHILEMON verse 6 (NIV)
I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints.


So many times we get locked into thinking that we are saved and going to live with JESUS and that is the end of the story. Well it isn't the end, it is the beginning of the mighty work of GOD in the redemption of lost souls. Think about how many lives you touch in one day. Statistics reveal that each of us touches 100 people a day, just imagine if all 100 people in our day would hear the Gospel message through us, by our words and our work of love; 100 people per day, coming to the LORD. I think that would be called a revival.

Brothers and sisters, this is our mission in the new life of a born-again Christian. We are the hands and feet of JESUS, bearing the Good News to people everywhere. If we withhold this Good News from lost souls and they die, not knowing the LORD, we are withholding the life-line from a soul. Our duty is to spread the Gospel to every creature, giving them a glimpse of the beauty and goodness of GOD, Himself.

May we, like Philemon, open our heart and our home to bring good tidings to those in need of JESUS, and to strengthen the brethren as each one labors to reach lost souls.

When we share Christ with others, we grow and are strengthened our selves.

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