Friday, July 23, 2010


Saturday, July 24, 2010
Galatians 6:7,8
Be not deceived, GOD is not mocked, for whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

While I was writing the words from the Scripture today, I got an insight that caused me to pause. It has to do with the word, "corruption". I always thought that this word indicated something vile and immoral, but the insight I got was, like the physical body which dies, seed sown to the flesh will die away. The opposite is equally true, those seeds sown to the Spirit will reap life everlasting. This causes me to look at how I spend my time, talent, and treasure; am I sowing my time, my ability, and my money to fleshly things or to GOD. I must take time to do an inventory. Those things that occupy my time, which are carnally intended, will die away quickly and will not satisfy. Those things which build up the Body of Christ and my own life in JESUS, will last eternally and will continue to feed my spirit.

There is another insight, gained from a Sermon on Sowing and Reaping: Name your seed; what seed you plant, you will reap. If you plant a peach seed, you will get a peach tree with peaches. If you plant a cherry seed, you will get cherries. You won't get cherries from a peach tree or peaches from a cherry tree. So, name your seed.

At this point, I must watch with diligence. Let's say, that I plant a seed named "finances". Let's say that I want financial abundance so that I can have cars, parties, social life and extravagance; this is fleshly and will die away. However, let's say that I plant a seed named "finances" so that I can provide comfort for a sick neighbor, or gas and a car to get to a God-called ministry, or to buy Bibles for people in poverty, or to give to a ministry of JESUS Christ, or to feed the poor or to feed my family so that they are strong to bring good things into the world; I have sown to the Spirit and will reap those things which last eternally. What I am trying to say is that the motive for sowing seed is essential. This is cause for self examination: "What is my motive for sowing, so that when I reap it will be unto eternal life for others and for myself. Is it to please GOD or to please self? Think about it!!!!


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