Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Luke 9: 1,2,
Then He called His disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. And He sent them to preach the Kingdom of GOD, and to heal the sick.


Many people ask from whom do we get the authority to preach the Gospel and heal the sick. Some denominations declare that only the Ordained Clergy have that authority; some denominations declare that the authority is given to all born-again Christians. It is clear in the Gospel readings, concerning the word of JESUS on this matter, that all who believe on the LORD JESUS Christ are saved. As the power of the Holy Spirit moves through the believer, declaring (preaching) the Gospel and signs and wonders following is normal. The Holy Spirit is not bound by legalism, therefore, He works through those who yield themselves to the LORD.

Since the authority and power are in the Hand of the LORD, He gives that authority to all whom He chooses. One question remains; For whom is the Gospel preached with signs and wonders following? Is it for the one who is preaching and healing, that they be glorified? Is it to show JESUS how Spiritual you are? Is it to show others what a good Christian you are? OR IS IT THE LOVE OF GOD REACHING OUT TO RESTORE THE BROKEN TO WHOLENESS?

God acts on behalf of the poor, the sick and the broken. He uses those who are yielded to Him as vessels of His Grace and Mercy. In every case, the glory must go to the LORD and His Name be praised. Restoring the broken to wholeness was the whole motive behind JESUS leaving glory to come to earth as the redeemer. The Love of GOD reaches out to restore the broken to wholeness. This is who He is; this is what he does and this is what He has always done. 

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