Thursday, September 8, 2011

3 little ways of encouragement

Friday, September 9, 2011
James 1: 19
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.


We often think that we have to say something or do something when another person is in trouble. Many people stay away from being present because they don't know what to say or write. I know, for a fact, that the presence of a loving friend is more powerful than any words, verbal or written.

Here is a real story: One of my blind friends, 99 years old, lived in a Nursing Home. She had taught Bible for 50 years and was fluent in KJV Biblical language. One day, she was told by her family that her son had just died. She went into a deep depression and began to fail physically. A Pastor went to visit her and he just sat there for an hour. During that hour, he fell asleep in the chair while he prayed for her in silence. When he awoke, the friend seemed better and the Pastor felt like he had let her down in her moment of great need.

The next day, the staff noticed that my friend was coming out of the depression and would talk to them. One of the things that she said was that the Pastor who visited her gave her the strength to go on. His presence was healing.

We don't have to say a word, just be present; "swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath." and I would add, "just show up and be there" as the heart of GOD to them.


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