Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Mark 6: 7
And He (JESUS) called unto Him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two, and gave them authority over unclean spirits.


JESUS believed in the principle of 2x2. In this verse and in Ecclesiastes 4: 9 and 12, you find that the witness of 2 stands against the one that would harm or cause to fall. So we see that 2 in agreement provides protection, and provides encouragement. Oftentimes, when the Apostles were ministering, they became weary or discouraged, in this case, the companionship of another, shared the burden, lifted the load and encouraged the weary. Paul often spoke about the need for support from a like minded companion, a friend in the LORD. Timothy was one whom Paul considered a brother and a son.

JESUS never advocated the "lone ranger" attitude. The world was a dangerous place for a Christian, and agreement, protection and encouragement were vital in the spreading of the Gospel. Today, the world is a dangerous place, Christians need to be in one accord with JESUS and with one another. Companionship in the LORD, fellowship in the Holy Spirit, union in prayer and the breaking of bread are vital for the kingdom of Heaven to be "at hand". The result is healing, deliverance, transformation of the environment, and the Light of Christ disbursing the darkness.

GOD has given the believers in JESUS the authority to bind and loose; bind the enemy and loose the captives. Authority to heal the sick and cleanse the unclean has been given to us in JESUS. We are witnesses of the greatness of GOD. When we form a cluster of like minded Christians, we can expect the Holy Spirit to move in power.

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