Monday, April 22, 2013


Psalm 52: 8, 9
But I am like a green olive tree in the house of GOD; I trust in the mercy of GOD forever and ever. I will praise thee forever, because Thou hast done it; and I will wait on Thy Name; for it is good before Thy saints.
On the Mount of Olives there were many olive trees which formed a quiet garden. Olive trees are sturdy, faithful, tenacious; you can't kill an olive tree, you can cut it down, but it will grow again from the roots. It is always green,but it takes years before the fruit grows and then the fruit is abundant.

Let's compare the Olive tree with the believers in JESUS. They are faithful, tenacious, and should be steadfast; they grow in rich or lean soil and can not be killed unless the root is destroyed. In the Christian life, the root is JESUS and His Word. The Christian who clings to the Root and is steadfast in the Word of the LORD will, in time, bear fruit. The appointed time for fruit bearing is by the choice of the Holy Spirit, who is the power behind signs and wonders.

All the work has been done by GOD, now we must draw from the good ground and bear much fruit for His honor and glory.

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