Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Wednesday October 6, 2010
The Acts 1: 14
These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary, the mother of JESUS, and with His brethren.

The Apostles, the women, and Mary, the mother of JESUS were in the upper room together "with one accord in prayer and supplication". This is a picture of the early Church waiting together in prayer. The word, "together" is very important for us to see, we are not to be isolated from the body of believers. Instead, we are to fellowship one with another "in one accord" and in one mind, the mind of JESUS (Philippians 2:5).

I am convinced that if we continue in one accord and in the mind of JESUS, we, as the Church, will change the world. JESUS did, the Apostles did, the disciples did and so can we. We are not powerless. After the first Church stayed together and prayed together, the promised Holy Spirit came and filled them all. (The Acts 2:1-4).
Notice in The Acts 2:1, When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in the one place. "One accord in the one place" is very important, they were all open and praising GOD as a unit.

We, as the Church, must be in one accord, praising GOD, praying in intercession for one another and be of one mind, The mind of Christ. The power of the Holy Spirit will fill us and give us the gifts and fruit to save the world one soul at a time.

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