Thursday, March 18, 2010

Power of God's Word - Comfort and Gives Hope

Thursday: March, 18, 2010
Romans 15:4
For whatever things were written in earlier times; were written for our learning, that we, through patience and comfort of the Scripture, might have hope.
The Holy Scripture is God's Love letter to humanity. He has poured out love in every page of His Holy Word. Even in the hard words of JESUS, there are words of instruction that lead to comfort. Hard words are the Father's love correcting His Children. All God asks of us is to follow Him and we will have abundant life.
Look at the four strong words in this verse from Romans: Learning, patience, comfort and hope. When we read and study the Scripture, we learn the way of Godly living. We can not learn this way by reading "self-help" books. We learn the Way of the LORD by reading His Word.
We learn through the patience of practice. A regular discipline of reading and studying God's Word produces great fruit in our life, the fruit of the Spirit of God. The basic questions of life and all the convoluted questions have an answer in the Scripture.
When we read, study and inwardly digest His Word we have the comfort of knowing who we are and what we are here to accomplish in this life. God speaks to our heart and mind the things which He wants us to understand.
This knowledge brings comfort so that we can, in turn, comfort others.
When we have comfort, we are able to give to oureselves and to others the gift of hope. All the promises of God are "yes and Amen". When we read, learn, study, receive and apply God's Word, we know in our heart that whatever God promises we have it. Our Hope is in the LORD.

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