Monday, March 18, 2013


Psalm 150: 6
Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.

Breath is a gift from GOD, we have breath to praise the LORD, because He has willed that we have our breath. If He takes our breath, and returns it to Him, we die. While we have the gift of breath, we should be so grateful, that we express our gratitude with endless praise.

There are many things that open to us, when we praise the LORD, but that is of least importance; praise and thanksgiving to GOD for Him and His love is of highest importance. We have a choice in the use of our gift of breath; do we use it for ourselves or do we use it for GOD?

As for me and my house, we will praise the LORD for who He is and for what He has done for all that have breath.

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