Monday, March 18, 2013


Matthew 21:9
and the multitude that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the LORD! Hosanna in the highest!"

Hosanna, in the Vulgate translation, means "Save us, we beseech thee" (Ps. 118: 25; Mark 11: 9 and John 12:13). It has also come to mean a shout of praise. When you put the two together, you find what was in the mind of the people who welcomed JESUS into the Holy City of Jerusalem. They looked upon JESUS as Savior from the tyranny of oppression; they looked at JESUS as the King in the line of David the King - this is why they called Him the "Son of David". It was a shout of triumph and praise for the one whom they looked upon as their Savior.

The depth of their praise was on the surface, looking at the figure before them as their deliverer, a mighty force to bring down Roman rule.  They wanted to make JESUS King over the government and rule as mighty King, like David, their hero.

The depth of the praise of JESUS was in His connection to His Father; a connection of obedience, worship and humility. His life was praise to the Father. There are levels of praise: surface; soul, with its feelings; and spirit, exemplified by obedience,and worship. 

In the surface praise, people can be disappointed and walk away; in the soul, praise can be a struggle between feelings and will; in the Spirit, all of life is praise of GOD, no matter what the circumstances. We have a lot to learn from this, "the deeper we go into GOD the higher the praise". THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!


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