Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I Timothy 6:11b, 12
Follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, unto which thou art also called and hast professed a profession before many witnesses.

The antidote to the Judas syndrome is devout living.  A life of righteousness, which is a " comprehensive name for all the fruit of the Spirit." (Wycliffe Commentary, pg. 1380); a life of godliness, being a reflection of the nature of JESUS; a life of faith, being faithful to the LORD and to His call in your life; a life of love, unconditional and merciful love; and a life of meekness, which is true humility.

The hardest time for us to resist the devil is when we feel abandoned and alone. But the truth is that we are never alone and never abandoned by GOD. He is faithful to all His children. So, fight the good fight of faith, not wavering or doubting. The LORD, whom you profess will never leave you of forsake you, He is with you in the fire and in the storm. The devil can not defeat the power of GOD. 


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