Thursday, June 13, 2013


Luke 18: 1, and 8b

And He spoke a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint...Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?

The parable that JESUS taught was about a widow who came before a hard hearted Judge. She was so persistent in her bid for justice, that the judge granted her request due to her persistence.  When we pray, and know that our prayers are according to the Scripture and the will of GOD, then we must pray in faith believing that we have what we pray.  DON'T GIVE UP, GOD IS IN CONTROL.

The underlined portion of verse 8 is important to remember; "When the Son of Man cometh, will He find faith on the earth?" In what or whom do have faith? anything or anyone other than GOD is misplaced faith.  Faith in people will leave you empty and alone; faith in objects will leave you desolate; FAITH IN JESUS WILL BRING ABUNDANT GRACE AND GOOD.

Faith, means that you will be watching and praying when the Son of man cometh. Remember the ten virgins; 5  were wise and 5 foolish. The foolish did not watch and pray, keeping the oil in their lamps full and the lamp burning; the wise watched and prayed, keeping the oil in their lamp burning and the lamp clean. Be ready for the return of JESUS; WATCH AND PRAY LEST AT ANY TIME YOU FALL INTO TEMPTATION.

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