Sunday, March 27, 2016


LUKE 23:43
JESUS said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, TODAY SHALT THOU BE WITH ME IN PARADISE.

There were three crosses on the hill of Calvary: One Cross held JESUS, the Holy One; two held malefactors, men sentenced to death because of their deeds. One of the malefactors railed at JESUS with angry tones, saying; "If thou be the Christ, save thyself and us." "If thou..." reminds us of the words Satan used when he tempted JESUS in the wilderness,(Matthew 4:3, & 6).
The other malefactor rebukes the first and says; "Dost thou not fear GOD...?" Then he says to JESUS, "Remember me when thou comest into Thy Kingdom."

The second malefactor confesses JESUS as LORD and puts his faith in JESUS. This man was saved immediately, and JESUS responds, "TODAY SHALT THOU BE WITH ME IN PARADISE".

Jesus is saying to us, today, that if you confess JESUS as your LORD and believe in your hear that GOD has raised Him from the dead, you are saved - TODAY.

There were three Crosses on the hill of Calvary. One held the King of Kings and LORD of LORDS; one held a sinner whose anger blinded him from seeing JESUS as his LORD and savior; one held a sinner saved by grace, who confessed with his mouth and believed in his heart that JESUS was LORD.

Which side of JESUS do you hang your life? Is JESUS your LORD and savior? Today, confess Him as your LORD and be saved. Let today be your Easter for all eternity, as you dwell with Him, He in you, and live with Him in His Kingdom.

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