Monday, September 17, 2012


I Thessalonians 5:17
Pray without ceasing.

This short verse of Scripture carries a powerful message; pray always. How can one pray always and without ceasing? Do we spend all of our time on our knees with our face to the floor in deep prayer? No, Proverbs 3: 6 tells us that "in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path", that is prayer and answered prayer. "In all your ways acknowledge Him" means that in everything you do, say, think, hear, and see, you acknowledge the presence of the LORD. This type of living will be very different from the way the culture lives. Imagine a business meeting in a corporation where the LORD would be honored and His presence acknowledged. Imagine if the executives of that corporation would ask the LORD for His direction. This would be a sign of revival in that corporation. Now, think about your Church, what if all the decisions of that Church would be made by the LORD and in prayer - acknowledging His presence - He would give the direction for the life of that Church; if everyone in the leadership would acknowledge the presence and the direction of JESUS; THIS IS REVIVAL.

In the Acts of the Apostles, when they were all in the upper room praying, the fire of GOD fell on everyone with earthquakes and wind (Acts 2:1-4). If we, as the Church of the Living GOD would "stand up and pray up", we too, would see the fire fall and the anointing of GOD overwhelm everyone. This is Revival, when the anointing of GOD falls and the shekinah glory fills the Church. We need to step up, pray up, and let the fire fall.


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