Acts 20: 28
Take heed, therefore, unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the church of GOD, which He that purchased with His own Blood.
This verse from the Acts of the Apostles is a warning to all who are leaders in the Church. The Church has been bought with the price of the Blood of JESUS; it belongs to GOD and GOD is very passionate about His Church. Let me be clear, the Church is defined as the Body of all true believers in JESUS Christ, who is the Head and High Priest. JESUS watches over His Church, it belongs to Him, and the Holy Spirit anoints the "Overseers".
There is a great responsibility placed upon the shoulders of the "overseers", and those anointed to shepherd the flock of GOD are accountable to JESUS for the food they feed the flock. The good food is always the Word of GOD, the Holy Scripture, which the Holy Spirit enlightens to the believer. The Scripture is very clear that the flock of GOD must be reconciled to GOD by the Blood of JESUS, therefore, the flock must be feed with the Body and Blood of JESUS in Holy Communion. Good food is found in the teaching and preaching about the Blood of JESUS which sanctifies, justifies, redeems and glorifies in the Name of JESUS. Without the Blood of JESUS there is no redemption; where there is no redemption, there is no Church.
Overseers of the flock are accountable for every word that is given to the people. Every teaching and every act must conform to the Word of GOD and be under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. If another doctrine is taught; if JESUS is denied; if actions do not conform with Holy Scripture, then the people perish for a lack of knowledge and good instruction; again I say, there is no church without the blood of JESUS. JESUS is watching and is holding all who teach and preach accountable to Him for their word and action.
The Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to feed the Church of GOD, which He hath purchased with His own Blood
Take heed, therefore, unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Spirit hath made you overseers, to feed the church of GOD, which He that purchased with His own Blood.
This verse from the Acts of the Apostles is a warning to all who are leaders in the Church. The Church has been bought with the price of the Blood of JESUS; it belongs to GOD and GOD is very passionate about His Church. Let me be clear, the Church is defined as the Body of all true believers in JESUS Christ, who is the Head and High Priest. JESUS watches over His Church, it belongs to Him, and the Holy Spirit anoints the "Overseers".
There is a great responsibility placed upon the shoulders of the "overseers", and those anointed to shepherd the flock of GOD are accountable to JESUS for the food they feed the flock. The good food is always the Word of GOD, the Holy Scripture, which the Holy Spirit enlightens to the believer. The Scripture is very clear that the flock of GOD must be reconciled to GOD by the Blood of JESUS, therefore, the flock must be feed with the Body and Blood of JESUS in Holy Communion. Good food is found in the teaching and preaching about the Blood of JESUS which sanctifies, justifies, redeems and glorifies in the Name of JESUS. Without the Blood of JESUS there is no redemption; where there is no redemption, there is no Church.
Overseers of the flock are accountable for every word that is given to the people. Every teaching and every act must conform to the Word of GOD and be under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. If another doctrine is taught; if JESUS is denied; if actions do not conform with Holy Scripture, then the people perish for a lack of knowledge and good instruction; again I say, there is no church without the blood of JESUS. JESUS is watching and is holding all who teach and preach accountable to Him for their word and action.
The Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to feed the Church of GOD, which He hath purchased with His own Blood